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Porzellan / Porcelain - Joe Madog // Cité NOIR


Porzellan / Porcelain - Joe Madog // Cité NOIR

by Cité Noir

"Music by Joe Madog & The Trommelfellas // Visuals by CitéNOIR //

This animation film is a visualization of a song by Joe Madog, called "Porcelain". It deals with the theme of ephemerality and longing.
It's about the fragile things we hold precious,
trying to hold on to, but who will inevitably fade away,
vanish or break like porcelain.
The animation was pencilled on paper on a lighttable and then inked with brush and a light black ink and some gray inkwash, then arranged in a videosequencer frame by frame."

Contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective

On, you will find hundreds of hand-picked multi-genre art projects in between art, digital art and philosophy. Discover contemporary developments in art that take place within the framework of the ongoing digital transformation of our society, but which are only very rarely seen in the mainstream media. is about contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective. Depending on the context, your perspective on the specific art project will change. Along the way you can find, coincidentally or serendipitously, other projects that correspond to the chosen artistic, technical, mood, or philosophy-related context you’ve chosen.


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