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Khôra by The Macula (Amar Mulabegović and Daniel Gregor) and JTNB (Ondřej Skala).

"Khôra (Khora or Chora; Ancient Greek: χώρα)
is a philosophical term described by Plato in Timaeus as a receptacle, a space, or an interval. It is neither being nor nonbeing but an interval between in which the 'forms' were originally held. Khôra 'gives space' and has maternal overtones (a womb, matrix). A formless and unnameable 'it' that we cannot identify but only evoke with images of unidentifiable places, like a kind of dissolution into the tohu wa bohu (waste and void), what Levinas calls the il y a (the Other - a formless void; a frightening neutrality devoid of meaning), the elemental night."

Contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective

On, you will find hundreds of hand-picked multi-genre art projects in between art, digital art and philosophy. Discover contemporary developments in art that take place within the framework of the ongoing digital transformation of our society, but which are only very rarely seen in the mainstream media. is about contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective. Depending on the context, your perspective on the specific art project will change. Along the way you can find, coincidentally or serendipitously, other projects that correspond to the chosen artistic, technical, mood, or philosophy-related context you’ve chosen.


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