Giangrande - Morning Dew
By Gianluca Maruotti
Morning Dew by Giangrande ... and Gianluca Maruotti
music: Giangrande
album: Beehives of Resistance
directed and animated by: Gianluca Maruotti
post/edit: Gianluca Maruotti
à la fin…
By nicolas lichtle
à la fin… by Nicolas Lichtle.
"Here is a film ... , it's neither fiction nor animation, the graphic style is rather singular. It's a moment of introspection, very intimate, staged through a succession of small moments imbued with poetry, absurdity and sometimes surrealism…"
By Jeong Dahee
MAN ON THE CHAIR by Jeong Dahee
“Man on the chair” is tormented and constantly doubts his very own existence. It is just merely a picture that I created... Perhaps could I be also an image crafted by others?
Genius Loci
By Kazak Productions
Genius Loci by Kazak Productions
"One night, Reine, a young loner, sees within the urban chaos a mystical oneness that seems alive, like some sort of guide."
2D paper animation.
Roberto Angelini and Rodrigo D’Erasmo - Harvest Breed (Nick Drake)
By Gianluca Maruotti
"Nick Drake's Harvest Breed"
Performed by Roberto Angelini and Rodrigo D'Erasmo
Directed and animated by: Gianluca Maruotti
Post/edit: Gianluca Maruotti
Made with Dragonframe
© 2022
Roberto Angelini: guitar and vocals
Rodrigo D'Erasmo: violin
Fabio Rondanini: percussions
Gabriele Lazzarotti: bass
Andrea Pesce: piano
Daniele “ilmafio” Tortora: rec&mix
The Fishman
By Leto S. Meade
The Fishman by Leto S. Meade
"The journey of a dying fish’s last moments. 'The Fishman' formally embodies the transitory, shapeshifting nature of life and the inevitability of change by plunging its disembodied anthropomorphic protagonist between different mediums and styles."
From Over Here (On Stuttering)
By Patrick Buhr
From Over Here (On Stuttering) by Patrick Buhr
"This is a film about stuttering. Oh, and also about apple trees, catcallers, Goethe's Faust, pigeons, forests and girls on horses."
More info: