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Projects filtered by tag 'interaction'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
Listed in categories: Interaction
Screenshot of this art installation lets you poke, inflate, or add a disco ball to famous paintings
Copyright: designboom

this art installation lets you poke, inflate, or add a disco ball to famous paintings by designboom

"neil mendoza is an artist exploring themes of the absurd, the humorous, the futile and the surreal. his work combines sculpture, electronics and software to bring inanimate objects and spaces to life."

Listed in categories: Interaction

Acqua Alta, présentation

By Adrien M & Claire B

Listed in categories: Interaction
Fits theses moodes: ExperimentalThings
Embraceds these philosophies: PlayTechnology
Screenshot of Acqua Alta, présentation
Copyright: Adrien M & Claire B

Acqua Alta, présentation by Adrien M & Claire B

"Un projet qui se déploie en plusieurs temps : un spectacle mêlant corps et images ; un livre en pop-up à regarder en réalité augmentée ; une expérience pour casque de réalité virtuelle."

Listed in categories: Interaction
Listed in categories: InteractionAudiovisual
Embraceds these philosophies: InnovationTransformationCuriosityTechnology
Screenshot of Screenless projection experiments
Copyright: Joanie Lemercier

Screenless projection experiments

by Joanie Lemercier

"Music: U12, excerpt from Terminus Drift
by Joshua Sabin - Subtext recordings

This is NOT a hologram !"

Listed in categories: InteractionAudiovisual
Listed in categories: Interaction
Screenshot of Robotic Electronic Music [SHOWREEL LIVE]
Copyright: Moritz Simon Geist

Robotic Electronic Music [SHOWREEL LIVE]

by Moritz Simon Geist

Listed in categories: Interaction

Soft Manipulator

By Moritz Simon geist

Listed in categories: Interaction
Screenshot of Soft Manipulator
Copyright: Moritz Simon geist

Soft Manipulator by Moritz Simon Geist

"A playful interactive installation where the audience experiments with rhythms, mechanics and objects. Everyday items like glasses, pots, as well as small music instruments are placed on a light plattform. Seven robotic mechanic devices can be manipulated interactively by the audience, manipulating the sound of the objects. The six robotic mechanics beat the objects, creating a constantly changing polyrhytmic web of sound and rhythm."

Listed in categories: Interaction