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Projects filtered by tag "Narration". Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.

249 Results
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Métronome by Anna Leterq

Music by Rémi Subjobert

"Plongé dans la routine cacophonique du travail, un homme parvient à s'en échapper en composant sa musique du quotidien."

Dogs of Life


Dogs of Life by John Samuel Wedge

Music by Will Freudenheim

"Dogs of Life explores the line between passivity and consideration. It explores human nature using surreal and subliminal messages. It tells the tale of a retired bounty hunter who goes above and beyond the appropriate call of duty to help his neighbor, who is like a stranger to him."

Through You


Through You by Lucette Braune

ROADTRIP by Xaver Xylophon


ROADTRIP by Xaver Xylophon

(22 Minutes)

"Julius can't sleep. To get his head empty he decides to go on a roadtrip, but somehow he can't manage to leave.
A hand drawn film about failure, insomnia, a red motorbike, pretty bargirls, the desolateness of Berlin (even in summer) and waterproof socks...."

DAGNER by Michael Fragstein


DAGNER by Michael Fragstein

You see my eyes are open
Don't need 'em blind or folded
Follow the thin red line!

Music: Dan Freeman And The Serious

Director: Michael Fragstein

Production Company: Büro Achter April
Set Design: Turan Tehrani
DoP: Rainer Sprenger
Performer: Igor Weiss
Grading: Walking On The Moon

Chronemics by Animade


Chronemics by Animade

Light fears Dark.
Dark resents Light.
Always at odds.
Always in conflict.
Pushing borders.
Losing ground.
Never ending.
But what is one without the other?
The stronger the light, the darker the shadow.

Echoes of Life


Echoes of Life_北方 by major M

"In a city in Northeast China, the story of an old man and an elephant at the Zoo"

Dog-walking ground


Dog-walking ground by Leonid Shmelkov

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Contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective

On, you will find hundreds of hand-picked multi-genre art projects in between art, digital art and philosophy. Discover contemporary developments in art that take place within the framework of the ongoing digital transformation of our society, but which are only very rarely seen in the mainstream media. is about contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective. Depending on the context, your perspective on the specific art project will change. Along the way you can find, coincidentally or serendipitously, other projects that correspond to the chosen artistic, technical, mood, or philosophy-related context you’ve chosen.


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