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Projects filtered by tag "Economy". Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.

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Sea You


Sea You by Ben Brand

"Would you feel it? Would you know it? Travel back in time and sea for yourself...
When my girlfriend told me the story of her family spreading her deceased grandmothers ash over the sea (like a lot of people around the world do) i started wondering what actually happens to all that ash ..."

The school


The school by Isaac Cordal

"The school installation is a reflection of how education has become an industry where universities have become a business and students into customers. Benefit culture has destroyed the values of knowledge considering useless everything that is not productive.

A factory converted in a huge reading room.

We live immersed in the industrialization of thinking that makes us slaves of production away from an enriching personal development through education."



Happiness by Stefe Cutts

"The story of a rodent's unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment."

Directed and animated by Steve Cutts.



by Ana Pérez López

"This fruit has been part of our cultural history for centuries and is now threatened by extinction through monocropping and a looming epidemic. Ana Pérez López lets us take part in her internet expedition to explore the fate of the Gros Michel banana with alert humor. A finely drawn chronicle which also uses relics of the media and everyday history of the 20th century to retrace how telegenic the industry banana is and will remain. Even if it will soon cease to exist."

For Hire! Bangalore Rickshaw


For Hire! Bangalore Rickshaw by Xaver Xylophon

"Green, yellow, black. They are the blood in the veins of Bangalore: the 450.000 rickshaws and their drivers. Knocked together from bits and pieces, decorated, ready for the junk heap or carefully maintained like antique cars, the vehicles are as charismatic as their owners, who brave the monstrous traffic of this metropolis daringly, sleepy, chattering or stoic, making sure the passanger's trip from A to B will be full of memorable experiences.
Based on days of riding around in rickshaws and drawings made locally, this animation captures the tough workaday life of a rickshaw driver, seen through the eyes of a European visitor."

Instant Paintings #3


Instant Paintings #3 by Marco Cadioli

Google Earth transformed in an Instant Paintings Generator.

Instant Paintings is part of the project "Abstract Journeys", where the popular software Google Earth is used to do something different from his original goal of 3d World representation. In a long series of jumps the surfaces of the earth, seen from above in a perfect azimuthal view, generate instant paintings.

Marco Cadioli, 2012 - 5'20" (HD 720)

  • Listed in categories: others

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Contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective

On, you will find hundreds of hand-picked multi-genre art projects in between art, digital art and philosophy. Discover contemporary developments in art that take place within the framework of the ongoing digital transformation of our society, but which are only very rarely seen in the mainstream media. is about contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective. Depending on the context, your perspective on the specific art project will change. Along the way you can find, coincidentally or serendipitously, other projects that correspond to the chosen artistic, technical, mood, or philosophy-related context you’ve chosen.


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