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Projects filtered by tag "Soundart". Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.

25 Results
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SOUNDFIELD by Christopher Thomas Allen and Tim Cowie.

"Our response to this challenge was to explore the relationship between sound, space and energy while referencing the building's long history of aeronautical design and engineering. The resulting piece was a sound reactive video installation built with custom software in Openframeworks that uses a realtime fluid dynamics engine to distort and manipulate a set of vector fields. We designed and developed this custom software to allow us to visually map this huge space and to create a playful interactive piece that would engage the audience at the event while they walking through the tunnel.

We used a set of six 20k Full HD Christie projectors with very wide angle lenses to cover the walls and ceiling of the tunnel in three separate bands along the lengh of the space. Each of these arches of light contained a pair of Naim Audio speakers and a pair of vocal microphones at their bases. As the software generated different virtual energy forces that slowly moved down the space, the audience were encouraged to interact with these visuals by releasing their own sonic forces into the room. The resulting audio visual emissions and graphic turbulence created in these vector fields drove a multi channel piece of sound design in Ableton Live using OSC and Midi messages. The resulting sound scape sampled, effected and distorted the audience's utterances and triggered additional lighting effects at each end of the space."

Resonate - Sensing Spaces


Resonate - Sensing Spaces: Royal Academy by Felix Faire.

An audiovisual installation commissioned for the Sensing Spaces exhibition at the Royal Academy for their one off "Friday Night Late" event with Portico Quartet.

"The ... project ... uses contact microphones and live abstract projections to create an audiovisual gestalt. The installation amplified and resonated the vibrations of a single staircase in the Pezo "Blue Pavilion" and broadcast the sounds to the staircases inhabitants. At the same time the information of every step, tap and impulse from inside was used to generate live visual abstractions on the external facade.
The building becomes acoustically transparent as the people outside can see what the people inside can hear."




Presented at Glow Festival (The Netherlands).



Rotation/Notation by Karl Salzmann.

A short video documentation of the Sound-Installation "Rotation/Notation" (2012) @ Galerie 12-14, Schleifmühlgasse, Vienna.

  • Listed in categories: others



disrupt!on sound/visual installation designed by julien bayle and curated by François Larini & the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco.

Timbre Variable


Timbre Variable by Nico Parlevliet. A group inflatables, each one produce a chord of three tones...



'grand' - Bearings Glocken music collections #5 by Kawase Kohske

"BEARINGS GLOCKEN is a musical instrument that automatically performs a glockenspiel using steel ball for bearings... for millions of smiles."

  • Listed in categories: others

Wave Interference 1


Wave Interference 1 by Robyn Moody.

Presentated at Eastern Bloc, Montréal, QC, Canada, as part of the Sight & Sound Festival, 2012.

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Contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective

On, you will find hundreds of hand-picked multi-genre art projects in between art, digital art and philosophy. Discover contemporary developments in art that take place within the framework of the ongoing digital transformation of our society, but which are only very rarely seen in the mainstream media. is about contexts, viewpoints, visual axes, and changes of perspective. Depending on the context, your perspective on the specific art project will change. Along the way you can find, coincidentally or serendipitously, other projects that correspond to the chosen artistic, technical, mood, or philosophy-related context you’ve chosen.


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